· Root Cause Analysis for Healthcare –
· Root Cause Analysis for Healthcare –
Root cause analysis paper and graph: Chapter 9 also talks about it besides the resources below and please follow the grading rubric. On the last assignment, i sent you the rubric that was followed to score the first assignment but still missed in the 2nd assignment as well. It’s due by next Thursday noon. Please confirm.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a structured method used to analyze serious adverse events. Initially developed to analyze industrial accidents, RCA is now widely deployed as an error analysis tool in healthcare. A central tenet of RCA is to identify underlying problems that increase the likelihood of errors while avoiding the trap of focusing on mistakes by individuals. RCA thus uses the systems approach to identify both active errors (errors occurring at the point of interface between humans and a complex system) and latent errors (the hidden problems within healthcare systems that contribute to adverse events). It is one of the most widely used retrospective methods for detecting safety hazards (Retrieved April 17, 2015 from Root Cause Analysis | AHRQ Patient Safety Network) .
A cross-sectional study on the relationship between utilization of root …
Root cause analysis (RCA) has been a Joint Commission mandated tool for examining sentinel events since 1997. Ho…
Root Cause Analysis | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
Initially developed to analyze industrial accidents, root cause analysis is now widely deployed as an error anal…
Glossaries | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
Detection of Safety Hazards | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
Health care organizations use a variety of established and emerging methods to prospectively identify safety haz…
Systems Approach | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
Medicine has traditionally treated errors as failings on the part of individual providers, reflecting inadequate…
Glossaries | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
1. Students will identify a current problem or issue occurring on a nursing unit or within a healthcare organization.
2. Students will identify at least five (5) stakeholders and interview them to determine the root causes of the problem.
3. The student will write a three to four page paper describing the issue and the results of the interviews. Paper will be in APA 6th ed. Format.
4. The student will provide a complete Root Cause Analysis graph.
· Root Cause Analysis for Healthcare – https://www.jcrinc.com/assets/1/14/EBRCA15Sample.pdf
· Root Cause Analysis Sample Video– Medication Errors – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESrTr08fLB4
· Root Cause Analysis Samples and Templates – EXAMPLE PROBLEMS & RCA TEMPLATES
RCA examples with evidence, problem statement, cause and effect, incident timeline, solutions, and final report
Grading Rubric:
Above Average
Below Standard
Far Below Standard
Introduction/ Objective
Objective is precise, knowledgeable, significant, and distinguished from alternate or opposing options.
Objective is precise and knowledgeable.
Objective is acceptable.
Objective may be unclear or irrelevant.
Objective is missing.
Scope/ Evidence
Skillfully arranges evidence to set up premise of the issue.
Persuasively builds the case with supportive evidence.
Elaborates on all key points of the issue.
Clearly sets up premise of the issue.
Persuasively builds the case.
Covers key points of the issue.
Sets up premise of issue.
Sufficiently persuasive to the case.
Adequate development of key issues.
Poorly sets up the premise of the issue
Minimally persuasive to the case.
Poor development of key issues.
No premise set up.
Not persuasive to the case.
Absence of key issues.
Skillful recommendations and/or specific action. Suggested action is reasonable.
Clear recommendations and/or specific action. Suggested action is reasonable.
Sufficient recommendations and/or specific action. Suggested action is reasonable.
Vague about specific action.
Action minimally reasonable.
Absence of specific action.
Action completely unreasonable.
Conclusion is precise, knowledgeable, significant, and distinguished from alternate or opposing options. Skillfully implicates impact on nursing practice, patient safety and healthcare quality.
Conclusion is precise knowledgeable and significant.
Clearly states impact on nursing practice, patient safety and healthcare quality.
Conclusion is appropriate.
Provides a basic explanation of the impact on nursing practice, patient safety and healthcare quality.
Conclusion may be unclear or irrelevant.
Vague references regarding impact..
Conclusion and/or
impact is missing
Integration Of Knowledge
Demonstrates understanding and applies concepts learned in the course at a superior level. Concepts are integrated into insights. Provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.
Demonstrates understanding and applies concepts learned in the course. Conclusions are supported in reflection.
Demonstrates, for the most part, understanding and applies concepts learned in the course. Some of the conclusions, however, are not supported.
Demonstrates, to a certain extent, understanding and applies some concepts learned in the course.
Does not demonstrate s full understanding of concepts learned in the course.
Writing Style, Formatting and Conventions
Appropriate references that support opinions and recommendations. Exceptional writing with no grammar, APA or spelling errors
Appropriate references that support opinions and recommendations. Excellent writing with 1-3 grammar, APA or spelling errors
Appropriate references that support opinions and recommendations. Sufficient writing with 4-6, APA or spelling errors
Minimal references and support for opinion on policy and recommendations for changes. 7-10 APA/Grammar and/or spelling errors.
Opinions and recommendations not well supported, >10 APA/Grammar and /or spelling errors