3 questions in the discription below
3 questions in the discription below
1. Consider the following syntax of a program.
int i, j = 26;
int *pi, *pj = &j;
*pj = j + 5;
i = *pj + 5;
pi = pj;
*pi = i + j;
Solve the problem by finding and explaining the following:
(1) &i
(2) &j
(3) pi
(4) pj
(5) *pi
(6) *pj
(7) i
(8) pi
(9) *(pi-1)
(10) (*pi+2)
(11) (pi+2)
2. Write a C program using a pointer for keying six integers by the user. The six values are stored in an array using a pointer. Then print the elements of the array on the screen.
3. Modify the solution of exercise 2 using a pointer to make the C program to print the elements of the array in reverse order.
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