A physics student walks down a long hall carrying a vibrating 488.0Hz tuning fork. The end of the hall is closed so that the sound reflects from it….

A physics student walks down a long hall carrying a vibrating 488.0Hz tuning fork. The end of the hall is closed so that the sound reflects from it….

A physics student walks down a long hall carrying a vibrating 488.0Hz tuning fork. The end of the hall is closed so that the sound reflects from it. The student hears hears 3.0 beats per second. How fast is the student walking? Assume that the velocity of the sound is 332.0m/sAt first I thought the source didn’t move, however our teacher indicated that the source does move as well.The problem provides the velocity of sound, the frequency of the source; however, I don’t know how to interpret the beats per second. I converted it to the 3Hz, but that doesn’t seem right. Then I thought maybe the student hears it as 491Hz or 485 Hz. But I still don’t have the velocity of the source and it is needed in order to find the velocity of listener. I am just so confused. But I do know the equation that is needed…I think f’=f (v+/- vL)/(v+/- vs)

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