Alcohol and Drugs Abuse – For mathguy18 only
Alcohol and Drugs Abuse – For mathguy18 only
The abuse of both alcohol and drugs has increased to a dangerous level at the healthcare facility where you work as an HR manager. You decide to develop a policy for your institution to minimize alcohol and drug abuse by your staff (including clinical e.g. physicians, nurses and nonclinical personnel).
Create a substance abuse policy applicable to all personnel at your healthcare facility. The policy should include the goals, objectives, and purpose of the policy, expectations of clinical and nonclinical personnel, the testing procedure, disciplinary action and consequences.
Make sure to cite any outside resources you use in preparing your policy.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria |
Developed an appropriate policy to minimize alcohol and drug abuse in the hospital. |
Addressed clinical and nonclinical personnel. |
Used correct grammar, spelling, and word choice and cited all sources as per the APA style. |
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