An adult experiencing traumatic event.
An adult experiencing traumatic event.
Case Study Assignment Instructions
Overview For this Case Study Assignment, you will interview an adult who has experienced a traumatic event. You can complete the interview either face-to-face or via a video-conferencing application such as Web-Ex or Skype.
In addition to listening to the interviewee’s presentation of the situation, you must also note non-verbal aspects of the person’s response, and both of these aspects should be included in the Case Study Assignment.
Instructions You must use your counseling skills to build rapport with the interviewee and be sensitive and empathetic as he or she is providing a narrative of his/her experiences.
Make sure the interviewee clearly understands that you will capture an account of their experience for this Case Study Assignment, but not provide counseling. Ask follow-up and probing questions as needed, but do not offer feedback or advice.
Structure the interview around these questions (revise as appropriate):
1. Describe the traumatic event you experienced.
2. How did you respond immediately following the event?
3. What coping strategies did you use?
4. What longer-term symptoms or effects did you experience?
5. Did you receive a formal diagnosis?
6. What counseling services and treatment have you received if any, and how did these help?
7. How has your life changed as a result of this trauma?
Include the following components when writing your Case Study Assignment:
1. The Case Study Assignment must be written in current APA format and include a title page, running head, abstract, and reference page.
2. The Case Study Assignment should be well written, free of grammar, spelling, or other writing errors, and be well organized.
3. Include at least three scholarly citations to illustrate the nature of the trauma, the reaction(s) of the interviewee, or other relevant factors discovered or witnessed.
Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years, or academic texts, other than those used in this course.
4. The body of the Case Study Assignment must be 8–10 pages (not including title page, abstract, or references)
5. In the introduction, provide details about the date, time, location, and length of the interview.
6. After the introductory paragraph, organize the content using two subheadings as indicated below.
a. Interview Findings
Under this subheading, describe what you learned from the interview. If possible, include short excerpts from the interview to illustrate and support your report, but keep this section free from literature references and analysis.
Note: This section should account for no more than half of the Case Study Assignment length.
b. Analysis and Discussion
Under this subheading, provide an evaluation and analysis of the case, drawing upon Levers, Briere, and Scott, and additional literature as needed.
The interviewee’s unique situation must be compared to national data on incidence rates, symptomology, sequelae, and comorbidity for those who have experienced similar trauma. You may use the first-person pronoun in this section as you offer your own reflections.