Analyse the impact of the requirements for a valid contract in a given situation. In the Westshire Times on 2nd September…

Analyse the impact of the requirements for a valid contract in a given situation. In the Westshire Times on 2nd September…

Analyse the impact of the requirements for a valid contract in a given situation. In the Westshire Times on 2nd September there was an advertisement to sell a 1998 Porsche 911for £21,000. The advertiser was Jamal, giving a contact address. On 7th September, Bob wrote to Jamal stating that he was interested in buying the car for £20,000. On 9th September, Jamal wrote back to Bob stating that he could not sell the car for less than £20,500. On 10th September Jamal wrote again to Bob stating that he would now sell the car for £20,000, and asking Bob to bring the money and collect the car. Bob now refuses to collect and pay for the car. Advise Bob. Working in pairs, you will be required to prepare and give a presentation and prepare an information sheet, advising Bob, as to what are his legal rights in the above case study. Further, working in pairs, you are required to choose one of your real contracts, and create a scenario like the one above, you will be required to create a legal problem, requiring advice. You will expected to advise the party affected. This will also form part of your presentation. You should consider the strengths and weaknesses of the formation of a contract including relevant problems, such as • What is good or weak about the offer. • What are the implications of pricing through the invitation to treat. • Clarity of communication and capacity for acceptance. • Likelihood of counter offers and their effect.

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