Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography
Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography
Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography
Before you can begin to write a literature review, you must spend a substantial amount of time reviewing the literature to locate the articles that are both relevant to the topic of the review and possess valid and reliable results.
In this assignment, you will review and shortlist articles for the final literature review that you will complete in this course. As you complete this assignment, you will also finalize your research question for the assignment in Module 5.
In Module 5, you will script an 8- to 10-page literature review that uses a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles and 2–3 scholarly websites. In order to find five good articles that are the best fit for your literature review, you will need to read at least 10–12 articles. In addition, many of the articles that have sound abstracts may not be the best fit once you read the complete article.
In M1 Assignment 2, you wrote 2–3 possible research questions. On the basis of these questions and the feedback you received from your instructor and your classmates, develop one strong research question on which you can base your literature review in Module 5. This research question should clearly depict the variables being examined and the relationship between these variables.
Next, locate ten peer-reviewed articles (not older than five years) from the Argosy University online library resources and five scholarly websites that you feel would be good sources for your literature review.
In your literature review in Module 5, you are required to include at least one qualitative and one quantitative study and at least one seminal or foundational source (this source may be older than five years). To ensure that you meet this requirement, include the following in your list of sources:
- A minimum of one qualitative and one quantitative study.
- At least one seminal or foundational source.
For this assignment, you will submit your research question for feedback to the instructor. You will also submit your fifteen sources as a reference page in APA format.
Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, locate the articles and scholarly websites that could be used for your Module 5 literature review. When evaluating the articles and websites, make sure that you consider the validity and reliability of the data collected and the tools that you will use for analysis. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).
Once you have finalized your list, write an annotated bibliography of these sources. Your annotated bibliography must include a minimum of six peer-reviewed articles and four scholarly websites. You must include the following:
- A minimum of one qualitative and one quantitative research study.
- At least one seminal or foundational source.
You can find an example of an annotated bibliography in Appendix A of your course textbook Reading and Understanding Research.
Submission Details:
- Save your bibliography in a Microsoft Word document with the name M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc, and by Wednesday, May 18, 2016, upload it to M4 Assignment 2 Dropbox.
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