Assignment: Marketing Strategy ( Paid upon completion only)

Assignment: Marketing Strategy ( Paid upon completion only)

Assignment: Marketing Strategy Your company just acquired another company that manufactures and sells packaged ice. Traditionally the company has sold in bulk to industrial users. You want to sell to consumers. • Develop a marketing strategy for your packaged ice that includes a market penetration strategy, market development strategy, and the value proposition. Provide a 2–3 page (APA formatted and citation styled) marketing strategy plan paper with at least three supporting scholarly references (no use of Wikipedia) that address this Assignment. You should include at least one illustration which can be included in the body of your paper or in an appendix. Assignment Checklist: • Write your original response in Standard American English, paying special attention to grammar, style, and mechanics. • Respond to the Assignment criteria in a thorough manner, by addressing the specific objectives listed in the grading rubric. • Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated. • Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another. • Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused. NOTE: Your paper should be in APA format and citation style. You must include a title and reference page in addition to the 2–3 pages of your marketing strategy paper. Submit to the Unit 1: Assignment Dropbox. Unit 1 Assignment Grading Rubric 40 Possible Points Specific Paper Objectives: Assignment Checklist (80%): Developed a marketing strategy for your packaged ice that includes a market penetration strategy 11 Developed a marketing strategy for your packaged ice that includes a market development strategy 11 Developed a marketing strategy for your packaged ice that includes a value proposition 10 [MT450: Marketing Management] 32 Writing Style, Grammar, APA (20%) Grammar and Spelling 3 Paper is 2–3 pages in length and responses are concise and direct 3 Reference list and citations are provided 2 8 Total 40

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