Based on feedback from your colleagues and client, you must do the following:
Based on feedback from your colleagues and client, you must do the following:
600 words
Part 2
Based on feedback from your colleagues and client, you must do the following:
- Revise and finalize the 5 sections of the marketing plan that you already wrote.
- Add the following 2 sections:
- Global Opportunities: Select 1 country where the product could be successful. Explain how your product could be expanded into the global marketplace by writing a 300–400-word narrative that justifies the following:
- The country’s current marketplace and competitive environment
- The country’s economic situation
- 1 cultural value that matches your home country’s product values
- 2 demographic characteristics of your proposed target market
- The recommendation for expanding into the selected global market; a general statement that toplines the research conducted
- Executive Summary: Write 150–200 words highlighting key points about the plan. It should act as an abstract that explains to management the current marketplace and customer market. It should outline major sections of the plan.
- Global Opportunities: Select 1 country where the product could be successful. Explain how your product could be expanded into the global marketplace by writing a 300–400-word narrative that justifies the following:
Your final marketing plan should include all of the following sections:
- Executive Summary
- Situational Analysis
- Product Positioning Strategy
- Customer Profile
- Marketing Communications
- Placement Strategies
- Global Opportunities
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