BUS 1004 Introduction to Management ASSIGNMENT ESSAY (re-sit
BUS 1004 Introduction to Management ASSIGNMENT ESSAY (re-sit
BUS 1004 Introduction to Management ASSIGNMENT ESSAY (re-sit for student-led seminar assignment) Submission Date: by June 2nd 2014 (by turnitin only) Title: ‘In the business world of today corporations have a duty to be socially responsible and to act ethically.’ Discuss. Task You are required to write an extended Essay of 1200 words maximum on the above title. Advice on essay writing can be obtained from your tutor or the Centre for Academic Development. 1. Core Skills required for completing the extended essay: * Level 1 – Introduction -The ability to signpost the shape of the essay’s argument clearly and concisely -A basic ability to define the key terms used in the essay -A clear understanding of the scope of the question and what is required * Level 2 – The Main Section -An ability to construct a basic argument that engages with the question -The ability to precis relevant aspects of the course clearly and concisely -The ability to outline relevant theories and models -To support different theories with appropriate evidence from journals and from company and industry examples -The ability to utilise a range of presentation techniques where appropriate (charts, diagrams etc) * Level 3 – Conclusions -The ability to summarise the content of the essay clearly and to reach an appropriate conclusion -To highlight the essay’s core argument plus good presentation and referencing ASSIGNMENT re-sit for student led seminars GRADING CRITERIA FOR SELECTED GRADES (also see CAF general Grade criteria) 1. GRADE A – AN EXCELLENT PASS -includes critical evaluation of the key issues -clarity of argument and expression -comprehensive and accurate coverage of the topic -insight into research and theoretical issues from journal articles and other relevant sources -be expressed in your own words -is fully and correctly referenced using the Harvard system 2. GRADE C – A CLEAR PASS -generally accurate but with some errors and /or omissions -indicates understanding but no real development of the arguments -some journal references but tending to description rather than analysis of established sources –a narrow range of source material 3. GRADE D – A BARE PASS -does not answer the precise question -misses key points of debate and information -too descriptive in approach -includes important inaccuracies -indicates spares coverage of relevant journal and other source material -fails to support arguments with evidence 4. GRADE F – FAIL -does not answer the set question -shows little evidence of reading source material -lacks argument and discussion -poorly presented -plagiarised -clearly misunderstands concepts and title