Can someone help me with my english paper?
Can someone help me with my english paper?
Hello Mr or Ms,
I have to write an english paper about a problem and state the solution in the paper. but the whole paper will be explained in detail in the attached 3 sites. I thought about health care in the USA as problem…
THE PAPER IS DUE TOMORROW. I got the class at 10:30 am. The Paper is about 2(+works Cited) pages long. The Prospectus and the Literature Review, works cited should be on another page aswell. But everything is explained in the attachet files.
The paper includes a cover page, which I will add to it myself. So dont worry about it. The Prospectus and Lit review are only due.
It should be a word document, so I can add the cover page. The font is Times New Roman in 12 and douple spaced.
If there are any Questions let me better know upfront, so there is everything clear.
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