Examining Differences
In this module, we examined crimes against persons, crimes against property, and white-collar crimes. These crimes are all treated differently by the legislature as well as the media. These differences are a reflection of how society views them. As you consider these differences, you should also consider how these differences have evolved over time.
Prepare a 4-5 page report that describes all of the following points:
- The differences in the treatment of each type of crime by the legislature. Explore the different crime levels (misdemeanor vs. felony) and different punishments.
- The differences in the descriptions utilized by the media. How does the media depict the different types of criminals? Have there been any changes?
- The differences in the theoretical applications for these types of crimes. How do the theories differentiate between these types of criminal behavior?
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria |
Maximum Points
Identified differences between crime levels in terms of classification and punishment. |
Analyzed the role of the media in crime depiction and descriptions. |
Explained differences among theoretical applications. |
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and used accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. |
Total: |
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