Critically evaluate one individual and one team/company-wide contingency-based pay scheme for the organisation and the employee.

Critically evaluate one individual and one team/company-wide contingency-based pay scheme for the organisation and the employee.

Critically evaluate one individual and one team/company-wide contingency-based pay scheme for the organisation and the employee.

Critically evaluate one individual and one team/company-wide contingency-based pay scheme for the organisation and the employee.

Question 2 (AC 2.3 LO2)
Introduction (150 words)
Describe what is meant by a contingency-based pay scheme.

Individual scheme (350 words)
Critically evaluate one individual scheme. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the pay scheme for the employee and the employer.

Team/company scheme (350 words)
Critically evaluate one team/company scheme. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the pay scheme for the employee and the employer.

Conclusion (150 words)
Summarise key points.

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