Discussion posts are completed
Discussion posts are completed
Discussion posts are completed on-time; They thoughtfully respond to and incorporate course readings when appropriate, They evidence creative thinking and make a significant contribution to peers’ understanding of the course topics. Moreover, follow-up posts/peer responses clarify and extend the class conversation, demonstrating critical thinking. Discussion Post:Ten sentences in addition to any quotations. This is a 300 level course, so ten academic developed sentences at a minimum of 20 words a minutes means 200 words minimum. Supportedusing critical thinkingCritical ThinkingYou must be able to use the primary source as evidence to support what you say. raise vital questions and problems, gather andassess relevant information reach well-reasonedconclusions and solutions think open mindedly withalternate systems of thought (this is the one students are often marked down on) figure out solutions to complex problems (this means making a choice of the alternate systems) View: Dexter, Season One Read: Read this unit’s Lecture before watching the video. Complete the chapter reading assignment from Natural Born Celebrities: “Idols of Destruction: Celebrity, Consumerism and the Serial Killer” p. 1 CompleteDarkly Dreaming Dexter(Novel) http://www.sho.com/dexter(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.- The homepage for the Showtime series,Dexter–where viewers can reenact their favorite killings through video games, video clips, quizzes, and through purchasing memorabilia.Discussion:Post your first responses (two) by Wednesday at 11:59pm (CST).Post your comment to two other students’ responses by Sunday at 11:59pm (CST).From the lecture and your instructor:Film and the novel: As the lecture this week points out, and I have been ranting about for two weeks, “Watching a television series is a different form of analysis than say, reading a novel. In this unit, you should concentrate on the differences between the novel and the series, as a way of forming your own perspective on how these popular forms operate.I have also posted an announcement about novels and the films or television series made from them.Different perspectives–visual and mental require you to analyze the material in different ways.This is one difference that will carry over to disciplines in other ways, terminology, vocabulary, need for research and support. Remember that Schmid is a non fiction book. Does it have research support? How does the