English Movie Review
For this project you will need to write a review of a movie or TV show that focuses on the way that the movie or TV show addresses issues related to code switching. This review should not be simply a thumbs-up or thumbs-down exercise. Instead you must analyze the social context of the film or TV show. Use the reviews of All American Muslim and Selfie as a guide. This review requires research into other, related TV shows or movies, as well as any specific controversies surrounding the show or movie. For example, if you chose to write about All-American Muslim you would have to address how both Lowe’s and Kayak pulled their advertising from the show, and if you were to choose to write about Fresh of the Boat you would need to discuss how the author of the memoir the show was based on wrote an essay about how the show differed from his original vision.
Selected Movied: Smoke Signals
This project must be 3-5 pages long and in MLA format.
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