) In each case estimate the sample size: (a) Confidence level = 95%, maximum error of the estimate = 2.45%,…

) In each case estimate the sample size: (a) Confidence level = 95%, maximum error of the estimate = 2.45%,…

) In each case estimate the sample size: (a) Confidence level = 95%, maximum error of the estimate = 2.45%, sample proportion know to be around 55%; estimating a population proportion; (b) Confidence level = 99%, maximum error of the estimate = 3.2, population standard deviation = 8.45; estimating a population mean; (c) Confidence level = 95%, maximum error of the estimate = 3.2, population standard deviation = 8.45; estimating a population mean; (d) Confidence level = 95%, maximum error of the estimate = 4.55%, no knowledge about the proportion; estimating a population proportion.

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