In searching for a publication to publicize the Integrating
In searching for a publication to publicize the Integrating
In searching for a publication to publicize the Integrating Technology into Lessons essay, The CITE Journal and the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Studies are appropriate publications as the focus on educators and those interested in issues in the field of Education. Cite Journal, Contemporary Issues on Technology and Teacher Education was established in 2000 and is a peer reviewed publication for SITE, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education.
It differentiates itself from other publications in that it is collaborative effort of various organizations sharing their ideals, experiences and comments about issues that will influence educators and anyone accessing its content. It is completely electronically based. Its deliver and submission methods are all done via World Wide Web. It not only produces print articles, CITE issues include video, audio and animation. The publication is an informative, up to date and comprehensive tool for its audience. The publication is excellent in stating its publication standards.
In its “about us” section, it clearly states its acceptance rate of 29% and the major areas on publication: current issues, commentary, current practice and seminal articles. A hopeful writer would have no problem identifying the needs and requirements for having their work published in the CITE Journal. The Editorial page of this journal continues to describe the step by step process of having a manuscript published. The process involves the editor and his staff reviewing the background, intended audience, and submission protocols for their respective journals.
It also details the process from selecting a timely and important topic to identifying other journals where your document can be published. It also discusses the blind peer review process, blind because names are withdrawn from work being reviewed. Members of the review evaluate the submitted manuscript and decide suitability for publication and makes recommendations for those that have potential. Ultimately it is the editor and his staff that make the final decision to publish a manuscript. The Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (JEBS) bean in 1976 and is co sponsored by the American Statistical Association.
It publishes articles involving current practice reviews, tutorial presentations, and evaluations of current applications. Their publication standards page is not as thorough as that of the CITE Journal but it is specific. It states how and where to submit the prospective articles. Their webpage discuss requirements of submitted work. The writing style is limited to that of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. There is a 40-page limit to submitted manuscripts including charts, graphs, photos and other additional content.
The document can only be received through their specific website in order to be considered. Both publications are appropriate in submitting the Integrating Technology into Lessons document. Both selected journals provide thorough publication standards but they do it in different ways. The CITE Journal focuses on content – its appropriateness of topic and target audience. JEBS focuses on writing standards – its writing style, size and strict specific guidelines. Information from the Cite Journal will make a better writer while JEBS only identify what is needed for their organization.