In your course reader, read the poems of Emily Dickinson and Langston hughes and write a 2 page response for…
In your course reader, read the poems of Emily Dickinson and Langston hughes and write a 2 page response for each poet.( Double Space)
What are your general impressions of each poet’s work, as represented in the reader?
What do you like or dislike about each poet?
Your response are open ended.
The response must be typed.
There are required poems for doing this homework.
Emily Dickinson
1. After great pain, a formal feeling comes
2. Much Madness is divinest Sense
3. I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
4. We grow accustomed to the Dark
5. I died for Beauty —-But was scarce
6. Some keep the Sabbath going to Church
7. I heard a Fly buzz —when I died
8. The Brain —is wider than the sky
Langston Hughes
1. Dream Deferred
2. Same in Blues
3. Mother to Son
4. The Negro Speacks of Rivers
5. I,too
6. My people
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