Infant Deat h Syndrome or SIDS.
Infant Deat h Syndrome or SIDS.
1271 Words
second hand smoke
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Second Hand Smoke
Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University 2…
Grand Canyon Universit y: NRS 434VN
Second hand smoke is smoke coming from a burning cigaret t e or smoke breat hed out Smoke breat hed out from smokers
Thousands of chemicals-approximat ely 7000 Toxic
Cancer Risk
No risk free levels Second Hand Smoke
Second hand smoke is defined as t he smoke coming from a burning cigaret t e, or t he smoke breat hed out by a person smoking a cigaret t e. It cont ains more t han 7,000 chemicals; hundreds of which are t oxic and at least 70 t hat cause cancer. There is no level of exposure considered t o be risk-free (CDC, 2017).
Three successive sentences begin …: Second
Healt h problems such as; Ast hma At t acks Breat hing Infect ions
Ear Infect ions
Deat h associat ed wit h t he SID syndrome Crib deat h
Ment al condit ion such as;
At t ent ion deficit hyperact ive disorder
How it affect s infant s
Second hand smoke causes many healt h problems in infant s. An increased risk of ast hma and severe ast hma at t acks, more infect ions in t he respirat ory t ract such as pneumonia, bronchit is, and coughs and colds; because t he lungs of t he infant are st ill developing, ear infect ions, and Sudden Infant Deat h Syndrome or SIDS. Parent s and caregivers who smoke only out side are st ill exposing t heir babies t o t he harmful effect s of smoking t hrough t hird hand smoke on t he hands and clot hing. Infant s and children who are sick lose t ime at school or daycare causing t he parent s t o lose t ime at work (Healt, 2017).
Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University 2…
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Smoking during pregnancy has been linked wit h At t ent ion Deficit Hyperact ive Disorder
(Zhu et al., 2014). 3
Spelling mistake: Healthychildren
Growt h and Development Educat ion on;
Nut rit ion and diet s Oral hygiene Physical Act ivit y Disease Prevent ion Educat ion management
Healt h Promot ion plan
The first visit is an assessment , is conduct ed t o evaluat e t he baby and t he family. Dat a is gat hered t o discover t he needs of t he family. At t achment behaviors will be assessed t o det ermine emot ional connect ion bet ween caregiver and infant . During t his part of t he assessment , quest ions are asked regarding feeding, t he caregiver’s emot ional st at e, whet her t he caregiver has st art ed smoking again, and t he caregiver’s abilit y t o calm her crying infant (CDC, 2018).
The baby’s current weight , lengt h and head circumference are measured and plot t ed on a growt h chart . Typical weight gain for an infant is around 2/3 of an ounce per day. Lengt h increases 1” t o 1 ½” in t he first mont h and an inch per mont h t hereaft er. Head circumference increases by an inch t he first mont h. Development al milest ones are assessed wit h each visit . Every infant develops at his or her own pace. The milest ones are guidelines for development t o aid in assessing if t he infant is falling behind or missing milest ones and is in need of a specific referral for development al delays (CDC, 2018).
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Unpaired braces, brackets, quotation m…: ”
Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University 2…
Breast feeding has benefit s for t he mot her and infant t hat last a lifet ime and is t he best source of nut rit ion for infant s. Breast feeding is init iat ed wit hin t he first hour of birt h and recommended exclusively for t he first six mont hs at which t ime iron fort ified cereals and fruit s can be int roduced. For t hose t hat choose not t o breast feed, iron fort ified formula should be used. Avoidance of soft drinks and sugar sweet ened drinks and foods is encouraged t o decrease t he risk of obesit y and dent al cavit ies (Green, 2018). Teet h should begin t o come in bet ween 6 and 12 mont hs. To avoid cavit ies, wipe t he infant s mout h wit h a soft clot h once a day, t ry not t o use a pacifier and do not let t he infant sleep wit h a bot t le (Green, 2018).
Physical act ivit y for t he infant can happen t hrough play t ime. Be sure t o place t he infant on t he t ummy t o let t he baby lift and t urn t he head. Allow for free movement of arms and legs t o let t hem flex and ext end (CDC, 2018). Disease prevent ion focuses on met abolic screening required by every st at e, hearing screening and eye screening, and immunizat ions following t he CDC recommendat ions. Prevent ion of second-hand smoke exposure, decrease t he risk of SIDS, babies whose mot her’s smoked during pregnancy and aft er t he birt h of t he baby are 3 t imes more likely t o die of SIDS. Formula preparat ion and st orage, and hand-washing are also discussed wit h t he caregiver. (CDC, 2018).
Recommendat ions (Healt, 2017)
Spelling mistake: Healthychildren
All parent s should quit smoking
Keep children away from smoking zone
Implement free smoking procedures in home set t ings such as no- cigaret t es Promot ing smoke-free int eract ions
Avoid smoking in vehicles
Mot her’s who smoke are more likely t o deliver premat urely, and/or have a low birt h weight baby. Second hand smoke is everywhere, homes, cars, playgrounds, rest aurant s, concert s, sport s event s, and shopping cent ers. If you smoke consider quit t ing. Chemicals from second hand smoke remains on surfaces even t hough t here is not a smoker present . Do not smoke in your home or car, t he air flow t hrough t he home or car will not keep t he smoke from reaching your baby (Healt, 2017).
Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University 2…
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Spelling mistake: Healthychildren
recommendat ions
Visit providers and caregivers t hat do not smoke Chose daycares t hat are t obacco free
Spelling mistake: daycares daycare
Hire nannies t hat do not smoke
Ensure t hat you t ake t he most vent ilat ed areas in public wit h t he baby
Find caregivers and day cares t hat are smoke free (Healt, 2017). 6
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Spelling mistake: Healthychildren
Evidence based int ervent ions (AAP, 2018)
Spelling mistake: Pharmacotherapy
Pharmacot herapy for smoking cessat ion
Nicot ine Replacement Therapy for smoking cessat ion At t ending group behavior t herapy
At t ending or consult ing wit h an individual behavioral counseling pract it ioner
Encourage all t hat are at t empt ing t o quit t o use medicat ions or Nicot ine Replacement Therapy unless cont raindicat ed (pregnancy, smokeless t obacco users). Medicat ions such as Buproprion (Zyban), Varenicline (Chant ix). NRT can be used as a spray, inhaler, pat ch, gum or lozenge. NRT’s cannot be used wit h Varenicline. The combinat ion of counseling and medicat ion is most effect ive for quit t ing (AAP, 2018).
Spelling mistake: Buproprion
Spelling mistake: Zyban Urban
Spelling mistake: Varenicline Varnishing
Spelling mistake: Chantix Chant
Spelling mistake: Varenicline Varnishing
Evidence based int ervent ions Talk wit h Your Doct or Campaign
The campaign deals wit h several areas such as; Why part icipat e in counseling
When t o part icipat e How t o counsel
The t echniques of counseling such as 2As
The Talk wit h Your Doct or Campaign a part nership of 5 physician organizat ions, including t he American Academy of Pediat rics, and t he CDC encourages healt hcare providers t o t alk about quit t ing smoking wit h t heir pat ient s (AAP, 2018).
Why counsel. Parent al smoking is main source of second-hand smoke exposure for children. When t he parent quit s, t he adolescent is less likely t o st art smoking.
Pediat rician offices have cont act wit h 25% of t he nat ions smokers. Counseling by t he pediat rician result s in parent s more likely t o at t empt t o quit . Parent s may not have insurance and t he children on Medicaid may be t he only physician even t he parent s have cont act wit h (AAP, 2018).
When t o counsel. Adolescent s or parent s t hat smoke counsel t hem t o quit . Parent s or ot her family members t hat smoke, counsel t hem t o prevent children’s exposure t o second hand smoke. A new pa
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