Journal of Clinical Nursing,
Another concern could also be seen where the staff may seem reluctant to walk their patients for long distances in case the patient is at risk for falls. Another problem of validity that can be encountered is the fact that there is no distinct definition of the exact number of times that a patient should be walked through and the distance to be covered by the control group. Lack of data showing the exact number of patients who were in the control and the treatment groups could also harm the internal validity. Another concern that may affect the validity of information may arise where patients from a nursing home may not participate actively as compared to those new from home.
Recommendations to Reinforce Internal Validity
To reinforce the internal validity in this case, the management of nursing care should implement clear and concise principles to guide the control group. The assessment of how often patients are ambulated and put on a chair for feeding should be done before the study to reinforce the internal validity of the data. In this research, the patients should have come from a similar environment before the admission. Using the data for all patients in the control group could also make the data clear thus strengthening the internal validity. They should also have similar statuses to enhance internal validity. Before being admitted, it is also essential for all patients to use or not use an assistive device for uniformity purposes. Ensuring similarity between these groups would have prevented issues of internal validity (Yuan et al. 2009).
Effects my Changes Could Have Regarding the Three Types of Validity
The changes regarding the three types of validity will lead to strengthening internal validity. By ensuring that all the participants of this study come from one environment and using the same assistive device, this will improve the validity of data during the study. Having clear guidelines for the control group will enhance validity by providing the best evidence.
Dangers of Failing to Be Considering the Validity of the Research Study.
During any research study, backing up your data through evidence-based practices improves the decision-making process and enhances validity. Failing to consider validity leads to weak and unreliable results which may harm the study subjects. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that validity is maintained as this would lead to certain outcomes.
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