Joyful Heart Foundation, 2019
Reply amanda
Question #2
There are so many health indicators and concerns for a teen or woman who is a victim of sexual exploitation. “In a systematic review of the impact of IPV on sexual health, IPV was consistently associated with sexual risk taking, inconsistent condom use, partner non-monogamy, unplanned pregnancies, induced abortions, sexually transmitted infections and sexual dysfunction”(Chamberlin & Levenson, 2011) These are just some of the physical health concerns they may have. There are so many emotional concerns that would be linked to sexual exploitation also. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts, Depression, including prolonged sadness, feelings of hopelessness, unexplained crying, weight loss or gain, loss of energy or interest in activities previously enjoyed”(Joyful Heart Foundation, 2019).
Georgia specifically has a state wide domestic violence hotline. “Educational videos on temporary protective orders were distributed to Nurse Mangers in all 159 Georgia Counties and 19 Health Districts to utilize in trainings and seminars. The tapes, obtained from the Georgia Commission on Family Violence, were designed to increase the nurses’ knowledge of services available to victims of domestic and sexual assault, and to enable them to direct these women to alternatives that can help reduce their exposure to violence. Designed and developed a tri-fold pocket card (in English (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Spanish (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), in collaboration with the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCADV), that contains information on the signs of domestic violence, safety plans, options available to survivors of domestic violence, and a list community organizations that work with survivors of domestic violence”(DPH, 2018).