Kolbacha’s comfort theory
You will be asked to choose a theory from the list below. Please choose your theory from the list below and submit this week 5 in BB. You need to respond to my forum by just typing your name and choice in the subject line. Review what your peers have already submitted. It will be two persons per theory. If you wish to choose another theory and it is a nursing theory, IT MUST be a middle range theory. If you choose a theory that is not in the list, please ensure if it is a nursing theory that it is a middle range theory. You need to email me about your choice in this case.I suggest you do some research on the theory first before choosing. PLEASE DO NOT CHOOSE THE FOLLOWING:
Ruland & Moore’s Theory of the Peaceful End of Life
Kolbacha’s comfort theory
Any culture theory
Please make sure that it is approved by your instructor.
You can choose from the following
Gate control theory (pain management)
Malcolm Knowles – Andragogy
Lenz et al. Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms
Pamela Reed’s Self-Transcendence Theory
Eakes, Burke, and Hainsworth’s theory of Chronic Sorrow
Ramona Mercer’s Maternal Role Attainment/Becoming a Mother
Donabedian’s Structure-Process-Outcome (SPO) Framework
Corbin & Strauss: Chronic Illness Trajectory
Carl Rodgers’ Person Centered Theory
Barker’s Tidal Model (see p. 231 Table 11-1)
Mishel’s Uncertainty in Illness Theory
Meleis’ Theory of Transitions
Lazarus & Folkman’s Stress, Appraisal and Coping
Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain’s Modeling and Role-Modeling
Janice Morse’s Toward a Praxis of Suffering
Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
Dobratz’s Theory of Psychological Adaptation in Death and Dying