Journal entry questions are related to the application of the key concepts you learn to the real-world economic issues. The questions contain key economic principles and ideas related to the Macroeconomics topics you are learning. Please feel free to express your perspectives and state how the economic principles and ideas affect your economic decision making process. You should note that there is a limit to the number of words for the Journal entry. You can only enter the maximum 400 words.
- Economists argue that successful business depends on creating sustainable and effective supply and demand networks. If you own (manage) a business, how do you create effective demand and effective supply to maximize profit?
- There are pros and cons of relying on various policy instruments. Assume there is a proposal to raise tax revenue in order to make workers better off. The proposal includes raising the payroll tax paid by firms to use part of the extra revenue to reduce the payroll tax paid by workers. What are its pros and cons? Explain
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