New Product Development Process
New Product Development Process
Unit 7 Assignment
Directions for completing this Assignment:
1. Watch the video on Developing and Managing products: ©GaGa’s Inc.
2. Using research from Chapter 11 in your textbook, answer the questions on ©GaGa’s Inc. in the template provided below.
Directions for Submitting this Assignment:
Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. For additional help with your writing and APA citation, please visit the Kaplan University Writing Center. Compose your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document and save it as (Example: TAllen-MT219 Assignment-Unit 7.docx). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 7: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 7. Unit 7 Assignment |
Percent possible |
Points possible |
Points Earned |
Comments |
Content per Checklists |
100% |
50 |
Answer provides complete information demonstrating analysis and critical thinking: |
80% |
Answers 2 short essay questions (5 pts. each) correctly using a 200 worded response to each. |
36% |
10 |
Answers 6 questions correctly =6 pts. @2 each |
14% |
12 |
Provides viable defense of all six questions (at 3 pts. each) in 100 words minimum and includes a reference. |
30% |
18 |
Subtotal: |
80% |
40 |
Responds in template provided using correct grammar, spelling, and APA format and citation style. |
20% |
10 |
Percent |
Total |
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