NR-283: Pathophysiology
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR-283: Pathophysiology
NOTE: This is a template and guide. Delete all highlighted materials.
The paper template, including the reference page, title page, headers, and page numbers, are already formatted for you.
Running head: 1
The title here must match the title on your title page. Your introduction follows the title of your paper (note that the title is not bolded). Note also that there is no heading that says Introduction . The paragraph or two that follows the title on the first page of your text is assumed to be your introduction. You should start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest. You should identify that the purpose of your paper is to explain the pathophysiological processes of a selected health condition, predict clinical manifestations and complications of the health condition, and correlate lifestyle, environmental, and other influences that will occur in your patient due to a change in their level of wellness. (See the “Purpose” and “Course Outcomes: in your guidelines.) Remember that formal papers are in third person, so no you, I, me, or we until you make a recommendation about your article. In this introduction, you should introduce the disease process that you are writing about in a paragraph of at least 200 words. You should include a description of the disease and the epidemiology of the disease. Epidemiology includes the overall incidence (who gets it) and distribution (where is it seen most often) of your chosen disease topic. An APA formatted citation for where you have found your information should be included. (e.g., “The literature review by Hubert and VanMeter (2018) . . . .” or “Hubert and VanMeter (2018) described posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in nurses, specifically psychiatric nurses, as occurring most frequently.) [Do not quote more than one or two short passages (just several words) if any. Summarize—do not paraphrase or change words in the original (that’s called paraphrasing plagiarism)]. [1-2 well developed paragraphs here should be your minimum here.]
This section should include common causes of the disease or condition. Next, discuss the risk factors for the disease or condition. Next, discuss how age, gender, or race might affect your disease or condition. Next discuss how the environment might contribute to your disease or condition. Finally discuss how lifestyle choices might contribute to or reduce your disease or condition. Be sure to properly cite your sources. Summarize information only. (Do not copy it word for word to avoid plagiarism.) {You might say something like this: Hubert and VanMeter (2013) described pain as a subjective symptom in patients. Phantom pain was specifically identified as “pain that is perceived by the person as occurring in the lost limb and usually does not respond to usual pain therapies.” (Hubert and VanMeter 2013, p. 57). [This is about as much as you should ever quote—note the format of the APA citation—and it matches its reference in the reference list below]. [2-3 well developed paragraphs should be your minimum here]
Pathophysiological Processes
In this section, you will need to discuss and describe changes that occur at the cellular, tissue, and/or organ level that contribute to the disease or condition process. Describe any adaptations that the cells undergo or specific body responses to the disease/condition. Try to relate the disease processes to what the nurse might see during assessment (signs and symptoms of the disease). [2-3 well developed paragraphs should be all you need here.]
Clinical Manifestations and Complications
In this section, you will need to describe in detail the physical signs and symptoms that are important in considering the presence of the disease. Identify any signs and/or symptoms that contribute to the diagnosis of the condition. Identify and discuss complications of this disease or condition. Discuss the implications for the patient if their disease or condition is left untreated. [2-3 well developed paragraphs should be your minimum here.]
Include a list of the common laboratory and diagnostic tests that are being used today to determine the presence of the disease. This can include biopsy. Discuss the significance of test findings for these diagnostic tests. How are these tests telling us what is wrong with the patient? Are the tests always conclusive that one has the disease or condition or are these tests just giving us information that could potentially lead to a diagnosis? [2-3 well developed paragraphs should be all you need here.]
The conclusion should briefly say what was included in the paper. Remember that the introduction is a preview, and this section should contain a summary. In a well-defined and clearly stated way, explain your basic disease or condition, the important points that you should take away when treating patients with this disease process, and how you can educate patients to help prevent this disease or condition (or live well with it.) Your conclusion should reflect your introduction and the main points of your paper. [1-2 well developed paragraphs should be all you need here. ]
Remember that this is a reference list rather than a bibliography. A bibliography is everything you read to prepare the paper but a reference list is only what you cited. If there is not a citation for a reference, it should not be here. PLEASE make sure that your references here and your citations throughout the paper are in APA format. Take the time to make sure that they are correct. We have already formatted the paper for you with this template. Your text book is included here as well. You can only use legitimate, scholarly references. No Wikipedia.
[Here are a number of examples of several types of references—yours should look similar –. Notice the Huber and VanMeter (2018) reference below that matches the examples above]
Aydin, C., Donaldson, N., Stotts, N. A., Fridman, M., & Brown, D. S. (2015). Modeling hospital-acquired pressure ulcer prevalence on medical-surgical units: Nurse workload, expertise, and clinical processes of care. Health Services Research, 50(2), 351-373. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.12244
Balevre, P., Cassells, J., & Buzaianu, E. (2012). Professional nursing burnout and irrational thinking: A replication study. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 28 (1), 2-8.
Clark, P. G. (2013). Toward a transtheoretical model of interprofessional education: Stages, processes and forces supporting institutional change. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(1), 43-49. doi:10.3109/13561820.2012.730074
Edwards, D., Hawker, C., Carrier, J., & Rees, C. (2011). The effectiveness of strategies and interventions that aim to assist the transition from student to newly qualified nurse. The JBI Library of Systematic Reviews, 9(53), 2215-2323.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2015). Initiatives: Transforming care at the bedside. Retrieved from default.aspx
Hubert, R.J. and VanMeter, K.C. (2018) Gould’s pathophysiology for the health professions (6thed). Canada: Elsevier, Inc.
Jacobowitz, W. (2013). PTSD in Psychiatric Nurses and Other Mental Health Providers: A Review of the Literature. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(11), 787-795. doi:10.3109/01612840.2013.824053
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Maaskant, J. M., Vermeulen, H., Apampa, B., Fernando, B., Ghaleb, M.A., Neubert, A., . . . Soe, A. (2015). Interventions for reducing medication errors in children in hospital. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006208.pub3
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 42 U.S.C. § 18001 et seq. (2010).
Rouen, P. (2014). Chapter 14: Aligning design, method, and evaluation with the clinical question. In K. Moran, R. Burson, & D. Conrad, The Doctor of Nursing Practice scholarly project (pp. 331-346). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.