plz respond to theses students about what they write about the assignment

plz respond to theses students about what they write about the assignment



Each state has its own pool of resources available to children with special needs. This week, visit the site and research the resources for children with special needs in your state, and then discuss your findings with your classmates.

Source: “State Contacts” (2012): U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from 

List three (3) state agencies and organizations available for children with special needs. Give a brief description of each resource. How can you use these resources as an Early Childhood Care Professional?



Hello Classmates and Professor Terrill,

     The two agencies and organization that I have chosen that are located in my state Missouri that are available to children with special needs are Missouri Assistive Technology, Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Missouri Parents Act(MPACT). According to their website Missouri Assistive Technology’s goal is to “increase the access to assissitive technology to all Missourians with all types of disabilities and ages”.  They were established in 1993 and they are directed by the Missouri Assistive Technology Council. They advocate for polices and regulations in order to better serve  the community of those who have disabilities and are in need of assistive technology. The Council meets four times a year and reports directly to the Governor in order to remain efficient and effective for their patrons. This agency would be especially helpful to me as a resource for my classroom and for parents who need assistive technology in their home as well. They may be able to provide financial assistance or allocate other agencies that may be able to help parents to pay for equipment that they need for their children at home or in the classroom.

        The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing also advocates for policies and programs for those who have this disability. According to their site they work diligently to provide services by working with state agencies, service providers, businesses, organizations as well as individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing. Their goal is to improve the lives of all whom having hearing loss. They were established in 1988 by the Missouri State Legislature however their office was opened in July of 1990. Again this agency would also be an asset to me in the classroom. If there were any discrepancies that I encountered in regards to receiving assistance for a student I could go to their website to research for verification of what my students were indeed entitled to. I could also refer my families to them based upon their needs.

         MPACT also known as Missouri Parent Act is an organization that provides assistance to parents of children with special needs in the form of training and information they have a statewide information center where parents can come to them to obtain training and information that they need. According to their site they strongly believe that all children with disabilities have the right to have received an education that “will allow them to achieve their personal goals”.  Their organization is one based on empowerment because they enable parents to advocate for their children by providing knowledge to them in regards to their rights and policy, programs and regulations. They too like the Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing as well as Missouri Assistive Technology work cohesively with other agencies and organizations as well as individual in a collaborative effort to improve the lives of children with disabilities.  For all the reasons that I have given above this organization would also be an asset to me. As we all know it is imperative that  parents are proactive in their child’s education. This organization is a great aid in encouraging parents to do so.


 Missouri Assistive Technology Retrieved from  on October 9, 2013.

Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Retrieved from:   on October 9. 2013.

Missouri Parent Act Retrieved from  on October 9, 2013.

“State Contacts” (2012) U.S. Department of Education Retrieved from on October 9, 2013


1). Children and youth with special health care needs, this program provides assistance statewide for children and youth with special care needs from birth to age 21 who meet medical and financial eligibility guidelines.   How I can use this resource is to monitor and evaluate, assessment of their needs.

2). Missouri First Steps offers services and assistance to the young children with special needs and their families.   First step is designed for children birth to three who have delayed development or diagnosed with a development disabilities.   I can use this resource for training and to transition from first step to Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) to preschool

3). Missouri Parent Act their mission is to ensure that all children with special needs receive and education which allows them to achieve their goals. MPACT is statewide parent training and information center that helps parents of children with disabilities; they also have a toll free number so parents can call to get answers to their questions.    I can use this resource to referral parents to if and when they need help or if they have questions that I can’t answer, or if I not sure of the answer.


Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Missouri Fist Step

Missouri Parent Act

State contacts (2012): US Department of Education Retrieved from


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