Policy Proposal
I have a paper with 1400 words i want to paraghrase it and and 600 words and make it a an A paper and this is the sample:
Academic institutions have policies and regulations in place to uphold educational standards as well as to ensure the safety and fair treatment of all students. While those policies are usually well intended, some policies do not work as expected because of the ways in which they are designed, phrased or implemented. The same policy may also affect different people in different ways, and some policies that are helpful for some people may not be well received by others. People who are affected by these policies might respond in a number of ways: some may accept the policies as they are and abide by them regardless of how they feel about them, while others might try to change them by persuading those in power to change or abolish the policies–or at least change the ways they are implemented. If the policies are well designed and implemented but widely misunderstood, it is also possible to communicate with those who are affected to clarify the misunderstanding, providing a different way of seeing the current situation.
The goal of this project is to address a policy issue that affects members of the campus community–students, faculty, staff and administrators. What are some of the current issues and concerns that members of your institution are discussing? What are some of the controversies that are being covered by student newspapers and other campus publications? What policies are in place–or not in place–that may be related to those issues? Who are the stakeholders being affected by those policies and in what ways? Could the situation be improved by creating a new policy, or modifying or abolishing the current policy? Could the issue be resolved by changing the ways in which current policies are implemented? Or could it be addressed by raising the awareness among the stakeholders?
Once you have identified a policy issue, find out as much information as you can about the policy. Possible sources of information could include policy documents, policy makers, people who implement or enforce the policy and people who are affected by the policy. You may choose to interview or survey some of the people involved. You may also find relevant information in local publications, such as campus newspapers and websites.
As you do your research, consider the following questions: What is the policy? Who created it and for what purpose? How effective is the policy? How is it implemented? Which members of the community are being affected by it and how? How is the policy or the implementation perceived by the members of the community? What solutions have already been proposed? What other possible solutions can you think of? If policy changes are needed, who are in the position to create, change, or abolish relevant policies?
If the issue you have chosen is not related to a current policy, but you feel that one needs to be created in order to address the problem, then think about the following questions: Does the issue really require the creation of a policy? Or can it be handled in another way? What would the policy look like? Who would be affected by it? Who has the power to take action? In other words, who might you need to convince about the need for a policy and the creation or implementation of one?
Once you have a sense of the issue that you want to address, you will need to determine what type of action needs to be taken in order to address it. Could the problem that you are focusing on be solved by the creation of a new policy or by modifying a policy that is currently in place? Or, would it be easier to solve if an existing policy was abolished or the implementation of it was improved? Upon asking yourself these questions, you should have a better idea of the type of action that needs to be taken in order to solve or alleviate the problem. Then, write a formal proposal in which you call for that action to be taken. Ideally, you should address your proposal to the person or group of people who are in the position to accept or consider it. Thus, you will want to include an overview of the problem, including reasons as to why it is an issue. After you have established the reason for your proposal, you will want to explain what it is that you are proposing, whether it is the creation, modification, or abolishment of a policy or improving the way that an existing policy is currently implemented. In other words, what is your plan? In addition to explaining your proposed course of action, you will also need to include facts and/or research to support your plan and also convince your audience why they should adopt or consider your proposal.
Another option you have is to employ a combination of genres to persuade your audience to create, modify, improve, or abolish the policy you choose. The genres will depend not only upon the policy that you choose, but also upon your audience. Who needs to know about this policy? Who are the individuals or institutions that can enact change? For example, you may need to write a letter to the editor, or even a letter to address the policy makers directly. In other cases, you may want to contact peers, classmates, or future students to spread awareness for the policy. You can target the public at large by writing a news article or exposé on the policy and why it necessitates change. You may choose to create a visual argument (flier, poster, advertisement, public service announcement, brochure) to publicize the policy and why it needs to be created, changed, or eliminated. Or, you can take your policy to the digital world: create a blog post, Facebook group or event, or petition (like on Change.org) that explains the policy (or lack thereof) to spread awareness of the issue and policy. If you choose this option, you will write an additional rhetorical rationale that justifies the genres you choose and the decisions you make within each genre.
Think about an issue that you or your peers recognize as problematic at your institution and examine it in-depth by asking yourself questions such as: What is the issue? Why is it an issue? Who is affected? How might the issue be solved? Who might be involved in coming up with, or implementing, a solution? Is there a policy at your institution that currently addresses this issue? If so, what is it? If not, do you think there is a need for one?
Your Policy proposal should be about 2,000 words in length, written in a 12-point font like Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins; also always include your name, ASU ID, class and section number, and date in the top left corner of your first page, as well as a List of Works Cited of sources you use in your Writing Project, in APA format (see the OWL at Purdue). You will submit both a rough draft of your paper (on which I and two of your peers will give you feedback, to be used in your revisions) and a final draft on Blackboard, and you will bring a revised draft to class for additional peer and instructor feedback; I will create the relevant links in time for you to submit your assignment drafts on Blackboard.
Learning Objectives
In this project, you will learn to:
● use argumentative strategies to persuade a particular audience
● respond appropriately to different kinds of rhetorical situations
● use stasis theory to conduct critical analysis of an issue
● understand the relationships among language, knowledge, and power
● conduct inquiry-based research and writing
● identify the kind of ideological work a text undertakes and how it serves to persuade readers to accept a particular account of a specific concept or strategy as effective
The primary audience for this writing project will depend on the issue that you have chosen to address in your proposal, so you will need to do some research to determine who the “stakeholders” are. In other words, who would be affected if the issue on which you are writing were to be put into practice or adopted? Who has the power to take action? Who is it that you need to persuade? Depending on the nature of the issue, you may need to reach one particular person or multiple groups.
Proposal writing takes place in all of the different spheres–personal, academic, professional and civic. They may serve different purposes: to offer solutions to problems or issues or to request funding for a research or permission to begin a large project. Regardless of why proposals are written, they typically call for some kind of action or change; they call on an audience to come to a decision and to do something.
The proposal begins by introducing the issue or problem that is being addressed, followed by a detailed discussion of it, including evidence that it exists, reasons why it is a problem, and references to relevant research that establishes and supports the problem. Like most persuasive writing, it is important that proposals present support for the argument that is being made (or rather, the idea that is being proposed), and furthermore, persuade the reader to take action.
After the issue or problem has been discussed, the proposal then lays out the suggested plan of action or the solution. This section may be divided into several subsections depending on how complex the solution is and how long the document is. The proposed plan of action should be comprehensive so that the reader(s) can fully understand what is being proposed, how it might work, and what might be involved. This section might also explain why the plan of action or solution that has been proposed will be more effective than other alternatives. Since this is the final opportunity to persuade them, the proposal should leave them with something that makes them seriously consider the benefits of enacting whatever has been proposed.
Process Genres
Here are a few process genres that might help you develop ideas for the persuasive essay:
● A list of issues. Come up with a list of issues that you or your peers see as problematic at your institution.
● Stasis theory/questions. Conduct a critical analysis of the policy by answering questions that will help you discover important facts and meanings behind the policy, as well as the quality of it and what improvements might be made.
● Figure out who you are trying to persuade. As previously mentioned, the main goal of a persuasive essay is to convince your audience to adopt your point of view or agree with you on a particular subject. The best way to do this is to know who your audience is and figure out which strategies will be most effective in persuading them. Once you have decided on a topic,
● Free write. Write continuously for 5-10 minutes, using that time to state your case. In other words, what reasons do you have for your stance? Why should your audience listen to you? Better yet, why should they agree with you? Write down every single reason that you can think of and then go back and read your list and decide which reasons are strong enough to support your argument.
● List of potential audience members. Make a list of people (or administrators) who you might need to target with your proposal.
Genre Samples:
Anonymous. “The Benefits of Learning a Second Language.” Teen Ink. n.d. Web. 26 Jul. 2012. <http://www.teenink.com/nonfiction/academic/article/395793/Persuasive-Essay-The-Benefits-of-Learning-a-Second-Language/>.
Kober, Kelsey. “Should we have year-round school?” The Roundup. 24 Oct. 2011. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <http://www.barringtonroundup.com/?p=221>.
Workman, Brock. “Year-round school is inefficient.” The Roundup. 24 Oct. 2011. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <http://www.barringtonroundup.com/?p=221>.
Possible Readings:
Co, Alina R. “Homeschooling as an alternative to sending kids to school.” GMA News Online. 25 Apr. 2012. Web. 24 Jul. 2012. <http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/256144/lifestyle/people/homeschooling-as-an-alternative-to-sending-kids-to-school>.
“Finland’s education success.” BBC World News America. 6 Apr. 2010. Web. 9 Jul. 2012.
Hollingsworth, Heather and Jessie L. Bonner. “Why single-sex education is spreading across the United States.” The Christian Science Monitor. 8 Jul. 2012. Web. 8 Jul. 2012. <http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2012/0708/Why-single-sex-education-is-spreading-across-the-US>.
Kiley, Kevin. “No money down!” Inside Higher Ed. 2 Feb. 2012. Web. 25 Jul. 2012. <http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/02/02/uc-system-weighs-shift-tuition-payments-after-graduation>.
Koebler, Jason. “U.S. Can Learn From Other Countries’ Education Systems.” U.S. News. 25 May 2011. Web. 9 Jul. 2012.
Kristof, Nikolas. “China’s Winning Schools?” The New York Times. 15 Jan. 2011. Web. 9 Jul 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/opinion/16kristof.html?_r=1>.
Pulliam, Linda Grier. “Year-Round Schools? No Worries, Mate.” Camping Magazine. May 2005. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <http://www.acacamps.org/campmag/0505yearround>.
“The benefits of vocational education and training.” The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. 2011. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <http://www.deqa-vet.de/_media/PDF_allgemein/Cedefop_the_benefits_of_VET.pdf>.
Ullas, Sruthy Susan and Bangalore Shrangi, and Vatsala Shrangi. “New cities, new lessons.” The Times of India. 9 Jul. 2012. Web. 9 Jul. 2012. <http://www.myeducationtimes.com/educationTimes/CMSP/Campus-Life/260/College-Life/11/20120709201207071814369721f6788d2/New-cities-new-lessons.html>.
Winterton, Dick. “Is it time for a vocation?” The Guardian. 23 Aug. 2007. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2007/aug/23/schools.uk4>.
Barton Hinkle, A. “The Wrong Side Absolutely Must Not Win.” Reason.com. Reason Foundation, 20 August 2012. Web. 19 Sep. 2012. <http://reason.com/archives/2012/08/20/the-wrong-side-absolutely-must-not-win>
Pergament, Robert. “Rose Hill Housing Squeeze: 318 Freshmen in Forced Triples.” TheRamOnline.com. College Media Network, 15 September 2008. Web. 28 Sep. 2012. <http://www.theramonline.com/2.12149/rose-hill-housing-squeeze-318-freshmen-in-forced-triples-1.1656608#.UFjtXBzfdvY>
Link to Fordham University new student housing info: http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/quick_links/information_for_new__19413.asp
Link to Fordham University residential housing info: http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/lincoln_center/our_residential_offe/resources_for_curren/residential_life_pol_34642.asp
“School Uniforms; ‘Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior’.” Education Week 31 Aug. 2011: 4. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 18 Sep. 2012. <http://www.nber.org/papers/w17337.pdf>
Assignment Guidelines: Writing Project 1 – Globalization of English (Rhetorical Analysis)
Around the world, the English language is being used for communication among people who come from various language backgrounds–in fact, a majority of English users today grew up speaking other languages. As a result of these language contacts, the English language itself is changing its shape. While some people resist change, there is not much any individual–or a group of people–can do to reverse the trend. In fact, no one owns the language. Yet, people have various views about what English is or should be.
One way to understand different perspectives on an issue is to conduct a rhetorical analysis of texts–spoken or written. Rhetorical analysis is a way of analyzing what the text can tell us not only about the subject and argument strategies but also about the interrelationship among the writer, the audience, the genre and arguments as well as the cultural values of the writer and of the knowledge community.
For this writing project, write a rhetorical analysis essay (a kind of critical analysis essay) that examines an argument about English as a global language. Start by identifying a text that presents an argument about global English. The text can be of any genre–including newspaper editorial, opinion sections of newspapers or magazines, blogs, websites, advertisements, signs, posters, and so on. (Keep in mind that analyzing short texts could require more effort in interpreting and explaining the text and its context.)
Once you have identified the text for analysis, explore the text and its context by considering the following questions: What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text? What kind of situation is the text responding to? Who is the writer? How does the writer establish his or her credibility? What is the writer’s attitude toward the subject? How do you know? Who is the primary audience? Who is the secondary audience? What is the major argument and how is it being built? What are some of the supporting arguments? What other arguments or perspectives are represented? What is the genre and what are some of the characteristic features that are expected? What are the characteristics that are actually found in the text? Is the text effective in communicating the main point to the audience? What can you say about the values and assumptions that are shared by members of the knowledge community?
In addition to analyzing the text itself, you may also find it useful to find out about the medium in which the text was presented. Explore these and other related questions thoroughly to generate ideas for your writing.
Your rhetorical analysis should be about 1,000 words in length, written in a 12-point font like Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins; also always include your name, ASU ID, class and section number, and date in the top left corner of your first page, as well as a List of Works Cited naming the piece of writing you are analyzing in your Writing Project, in APA format (see the OWL at Purdue). You will submit both a rough draft of your paper (on which I and two of your peers will give you feedback, to be used in your revisions) and a final draft on Blackboard; I will create the relevant links in time for you to submit your assignment drafts.
Learning Objectives
In this project, you will learn to
● Analyze persuasive texts by examining the rhetorical context, argument strategies and textual features
● Understand how to analyze the rhetorical features of various types of texts and images
● Understand various perspectives on the global spread of the English language
● Examine how arguments can be developed and presented to accomplish a rhetorical purpose
● Write a critical analysis essay using the framework of rhetorical analysis
The audience for this project will be students and scholars of rhetoric who are interested in learning more about how texts are used to create meaning and to persuade the audience. It will be especially appealing to readers who are interested in understanding the changes that are happening to the English language as a result of the global spread of the language. Keep in mind that some of the readers may not have read the text being analyzed–you need to describe the text and its context as well as its relevant parts for them before analyzing the details. Consider submitting your rhetorical analysis essay to Young Scholars in Writing, a journal dedicated to publishing undergraduate student research in writing and rhetoric. http://cas.umkc.edu/english/publications/youngscholarsinwriting/guidelines.asp
A rhetorical analysis essay (a kind of critical analysis essay) analyzes how a text accomplishes its purpose by examining its purpose, writer’s identity construction, audience characteristics and needs, and the use of argument strategies and evidence in the larger context of the writing situation and of the cultural values and assumptions of the knowledge community.
A rhetorical analysis essay often begins by introducing the text being analyzed and the context in which it was presented. The introduction also presents–explicitly or implicitly–the focus of the analysis or the main argument based on the analysis, which is usually about the effectiveness of the text in accomplishing its rhetorical goal or particular ways in which those goals are accomplished or not accomplished.
Typically, the main part of the essay presents an overview of the text and its context, followed by the analysis of various rhetorical features that are relevant to your main argument presented at the beginning. The analysis may be organized by different rhetorical features, by the order of the original text, or by particular effects and how they are created, among other possibilities.
The essay usually closes by returning to your main argument and by discussing its significance to the reader of your analysis. What are the readers to take away from your argument? How would you like them to understand the text you are analyzing and the subject being discussed in the text? What are the implications of your analysis in understanding or responding to the text being analyzed, or in constructing similar texts in the future?
Genre Examples
- Berns, Margie, Jeanelle Barrett, Chak Chan, Yoshiki Chikuma, Patricia Friedrich, Olga-Maria Hadjidimos, Jill Harney, Kristi Hislope, David Johnson, Suzanne Kimball, Yvonne Low, Tracey McHenry, Vivienne Palaiologos, Marnie Petray, Rebecca Shapiro and Ana Ramirez Shook. “Review Essay: (Re)experiencing Hegemony: The Linguistic Imperialism of Robert Phillipson.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 8.2 (1998): 271-282. Print.
- Clark, Roy Peter. “Why It Worked: A Rhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Speech on Race.” Poynter. 1 Apr. 2008. Web. 24 Jul. 2012. <http://www.poynter.org/how-tos/newsgathering-storytelling/writing-tools/88009/why-it-worked-a-rhetorical-analysis-of-obamas-speech-on-race/>
- Dickinson, Greg. “Joe’s Rhetoric: Finding Authenticity at Starbucks.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 32.4 (2002): 5-27. Print.
- Ho, Ngan. “Ninja Assassin Rhetorical Analysis.” Pretty Asian. 1 Apr. 2011. Web. 27 Jul. 2012. <http://nganho.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/ninja-assassin-rhetorical-analysis/>
- Lawansiri, Pokpong. “Analysis: Thailand Needs to Move Beyond Human Rights Rhetoric.” asiancorrespondent.com. Siam Voices, 7 Mar. 2011. Web. 27 Jul. 2012. <http://asiancorrespondent.com/49702/thailand-needs-to-move-beyond-its-human-rights-rhetoric>
- Graddol, David. English Next: Why Global English May Mean the End of ‘English as a Foreign Language’. London: British Council, 2006. PDF file. <http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-research-english-next.pdf>
- Wallraff, Barbara. “What Global Language?” The Atlantic Monthly Digital Edition, Nov. 2000. Web. 24 Jul. 2012. <http://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/2000/11/wallraff.htm>
- Berns, Margie, Jeanelle Barrett, Chak Chan, Yoshiki Chikuma, Patricia Friedrich, Olga-Maria Hadjidimos, Jill Harney, Kristi Hislope, David Johnson, Suzanne Kimball, Yvonne Low, Tracey McHenry, Vivienne Palaiologos, Marnie Petray, Rebecca Shapiro and Ana Ramirez Shook. “Review Essay: (Re)experiencing Hegemony: The Linguistic Imperialism of Robert Phillipson.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 8.2 (1998): 271-282. Print.
- Phillipson, Robert. “Linguistics Imperialism Re-Visited–or Re-Invented: A Rejoinder to a Review Essay.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 9.1 (1999): 135-137. Print.
- Berns, Margie, Jeanelle Barrett, Chak Chan, Yoshiki Chikuma, Patricia Friedrich, Olga-Maria Hadjidimos, Jill Harney, Kristi Hislope, David Johnson, Suzanne Kimball, Yvonne Low, Tracey McHenry, Vivienne Palaiologos, Marnie Petray, Rebecca Shapiro and Ana Ramirez Shook. “Hegemonic Discourse Revisited.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 9.1 (1999): 138-141. Print.
- Berns, Margie, Jeanelle Barrett, Chak Chan, Yoshiki Chikuma, Patricia Friedrich, Olga-Maria Hadjidimos, Jill Harney, Kristi Hislope, David Johnson, Suzanne Kimball, Yvonne Low, Tracey McHenry, Vivienne Palaiologos, Marnie Petray, Rebecca Shapiro and Ana Ramirez Shook. “A Closing Word.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 9.1 (1999): 142. Print.
- Phillipson, Robert. “A Closing Word.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 9.1 (1999): 142. Print.