Problem: The exchange rate is currently 1.5803 S$/US$. You have just placed an order for 45,000 motherboards at a cost to…
The exchange rate is currently 1.5803 S$/US$. You have just placed an order for 45,000 motherboards at a cost to you of 172.9 Singapore dollars each. You will pay for the shipment when it arrives in 90 days. You can sell the motherboards for $144 each. If the exchange rate goes up by 8% over the next 90 days, your profit will be $——— . (Do not include the dollar sign ($). Round your answer to the nearest whole number, (e.g., 32))
If the exchange rate goes down by 8 percent over the next 90 days, your profit will be S____________ . (Do not include the dollar sign ($). Round your answer to the nearest whole number, (e.g., 32))
The break-even exchange rate is $——. (Do not include the dollar sign($). Round your answer to 3 decimal places, (e.g., 32.161))
Singapore dollars per U.S. dollar. This represents a———-percent change in the Singapore dollar relative to the U.S. dollar. (Do not include the percent sign (%). Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your answer to 2 decimal places, (e.g., 32.16))
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