project report

project report

I chose trailer hitch ball mount to be my project. I chose it because it has a huge target market, and variety of customers. There are a large amount of people that use it worldwide, and I usually use it for my boat. That’s why I chose the trailer hitch ball mount to be modified. The three design changes that I chose are: First, making universal hitch ball mount by making it fits two sizes of the trailer hitch receiver tube (2×2 inch and 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 inch tubes), so it can be used for two types of receiver tube. It is basically a 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 inch shank that increases to a 2x2inch shank then having a metal cover that slips on the 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 inch shank part to be leveled with the other side, the 2×2 shank this way you can use both sizes efficiently and effectively. Second, adding an electromagnet to the ball to make the installation easier and safer when installing it to the trailer coupler. One of the major cause of trailer accidents is that the hook of the trailer coupler breaks or get disconnected. This electromagnet will help eliminate the problem. It is basically attaching the electromagnet piece inside the ball and it will be wired with the car, the electromagnet can be turned on and off by car electricity. Third, attaching a camera to the trailer hitch ball mount to help the driver while attaching the trailer coupler. Because most of the times when someone wants to back up to the trailer he ends up either getting help or moving back and forth out of the car to install it

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