Psychological Disorder summary _paper about the movie “a Beautiful Mind”
Psychological Disorder summary _paper about the movie “a Beautiful Mind”
On your own, watch the movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’ write a minimum of five full pages of double spaced text including a summary about the symptoms of mental illness(es) that were observed, what the psychological diagnosis means, ways that his illness impacted his family, and how does this shape your view on mental illnesses. Please include a cover sheet and a reference sheet- this is not included in your page count. The paper should have a minimum of three scientific references. One inch margins on all sides; 12-point Times New Roman and saved as a Word document. I will accept the summary late. You will be penalized 10% per day that it is late, up to 7 days. After 7 days, the research paper will not be accepted.
Psychological Disorder Summary |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1. All topics were discussed in clear detail |
2. Assertions supported correctly |
3. Ideas were interrelated coherently and logically |
4. Author creatively enhances the topic |
5. An introduction previews main points of reflection |
6. Body of paper develops and elaborates main ideas |
7. A conclusion summarizes main points |
8. Paper free of mechanical errors (e.g., misspellings, typos, etc.) |
9. Paper grammatically sound (proper sentence structure) |
10. Citations and references in proper APA style |
Points to be awarded: |
Behaviors demonstrated: |
5 |
paper contains no errors in this area |
4 |
paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the overall presentation of the material is readable and appropriate |
3 |
paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the overall presentation of the material is difficult to read |
2 |
paper contains a number of errors in this area; however, the overall presentation is acceptable |
1 |
paper contains a number of errors in this area, and the overall presentation is difficult to read |
0 |
paper contains numerous errors in this area, which detracts from the overall presentation |
Additional Criteria for Grading Your Paper
- Accuracy. Are your facts or ideas correct?
- Clarity. Are your answers clear and easy to follow? It helps to read your answer aloud to yourself. Using this method, you can catch incomplete sentences or lapses in your thought.
- Depth. Are the issues and implications thought out and explored?
- Originality. Are your own views present and well-articulated? Use your own words. Do not copy material directly from your text or other sources. If you want to use the author’s exact words, put them in quotation marks and cite the page number from your text or other source material. But don’t forget to express your own opinion or interpretation.
- Supporting Evidence. Support your ideas with empirical evidence. This is a crucial part of any well-written research essay. You may support your answer with statistical information, case studies, or research you encounter from the text, readings, or other references. You may also use your personal experience as supporting evidence when appropriate.
- References. Did you use appropriate references to support the main points of your paper? You may look in the textbook and find references listed in the bibliography that might support your writing. Be sure you have these references—the complete articles—on hand if you use them. Make sure your references relate to the point you are making, or support your inferences.
- Form, composition, spelling, etc. Try to make your paper neat and error free. It helps to run your spell checker before submitting your work, or have a colleague or friend read over your paper.
- APA Style. We will follow the formatting rules of the American Psychological Association. The UMUC Guide to Writing and Research will provide you with some basic APA guidelines, and you can access this information by visiting UMUC’s library web page.
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