Sampling Methodology
Sampling Methodology and Participant Selection
I would employ a consecutive sampling methodology; this includes recruiting all accessible and eligible participants over a pre-determined time-period (Polit & Beck, 2017). There is no specific formula for sample size. Martínez-Mesa, Bastos, Bonamigo, and Duquia (2014) assert that sample size can be thought of in tiers. The largest tier represents the entire population; in this case, 10,000 patients. The target population is the portion of the total population who are of interest to the study. In this case, we would exclude very small children or patients who are cognitively impaired. Finally, the study population includes those who will be included in the research (Martínez-Mesa, Bastos, Bonamigo, & Duquia, 2014).
To optimize response rates, and to increase validity and reliability, the survey will be administered in quarterly increments over a year. Therefore, the target population will be all 10,000 patients. Of the target population, it would be reasonable to assume that some patients will not want to fill out the questionnaire and that others will be excluded. The study population will aim to include 7,500 patients. All eligible participants will be asked to fill out a paper and pencil, self-administered, survey when they check into the clinic for an appointment. This will allow adequate time for participants to complete the survey before seeing their provider. Results will be calculated every quarter and once at the end of the year for comparison. This schedule will facilitate detection of variations in patient satisfaction throughout the year, and help to identify specific variables such as inadequate staffing that contributed to the results.
Survey Questions
Participants will be asked to rate declarative statements using will be using the Likert rating scale. A bipolar continuum will assess varying degrees of satisfaction to the statements regarding patient satisfaction. The participants will be asked to rate the following items:
1.) 1. Convenience of office hours:
o Excellent
o Very Good
o Good
o Fair
o Poor
2.) 2. Ease of making an appointment:
o Excellent