Target population
Dear students,
I have graded a few RUA papers. My advise to all of you is to be careful with this assignment. You need 3 criteria. 1. Choose a health issue (Coronary Artery Disease)
2. Target population (Native Americans)
3. Developmental stage (young adults) 40-60 years
I do not have time (this being week 6) to ask you to modify your paper. Therefore whatever you are submitting I will grade.
I have talked about these 3 criteria several times in class. So I am quite surprise why papers were submitted without following the rubric.
To be fair to the students I follow the rubric very closely.
I also follow APA format closely and look for running head on cover page, titles, intext citations, introduction and conclusion. Reference page should be on a brand new page. References should be scholarly.
APA format was taught in NR 103 so there is no wiggle room here for not following guidelines