therapy to treat depression
Minimum of 250 words with peer review reference
(Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR-550, summarize the change initiative you will be proposing. How does this support the population of focus, your setting, and role? Justify how the problem you selected to investigate is amenable to a research-based intervention using the PICOT format.)
My PICO was based on the adolescent population that is addicted to prescription drugs: PICO Question: In the adolescent population, how does the treatment of depression overcome the use of prescription drug vs adolescents that do not have treatment for depression? I provided an intervention that utilized computer behavior therapy in treating adolescent depression to prevent/treat prescription drug use. I researched the relationship of depression and prescription drug use in this population.
As an advanced nurse, our job is to serve as advocate, spokesperson, care provider, case manager, administrator, researcher, and volunteer. Advance nurses take on an interdisciplinary approach to address the health care needs of this population group. As nurses, we address the needed population group as a multicultural, socioeconomic, and multiracial goal of ensuring all adolescents are afforded competent health care services. Adolescents are a complex group with much needed specialization. Primary care providers are often the first contact for many adolescents, seeing an estimated 75% of all adolescents, placing them in a favorable position to help screen, identify, and treat adolescent depression (De Jonge-Heesen et al., 2016).
P: Adolescent group
I: Use of Computerized Behavior therapy to treat depression
C: Comparison to adolescents that are not treated for depression who are depressed and using prescription drugs
O: Results of Computerized Behavior Therapy use in treating depression and prescription drug use
This research has both qualitative and quantitative results allow to distinguish a positive outcome with this therapy. Since a correlation of depression and prescription drug use in this population group was established, this PICO is modifiable and open to exploring.