Week Nine: Creating a Social Program Details Due PointsObjectives 1.1 Develop proposals for the creation of social programs. Readings Read Appendix A regarding the final project…

Week Nine: Creating a Social Program Details Due PointsObjectives 1.1 Develop proposals for the creation of social programs. Readings Read Appendix A regarding the final project…

Week Nine: Creating a Social Program Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Develop proposals for the creation of social programs. Readings Read Appendix A regarding the final project requirements. Participation & Capstone Discussion Question Participate in class discussion and Respond to weekly discussion questions. Ongoing (4 days per week) 40 Final Project Creating a Social Program Complete your 1,750- to 2,100-word final proposal paper. Refer to Appendix A for project requirements. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include at least three sources. Post your paper as an attachment. Post a signed certificate of originality Day 7 (Sunday) 190

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