Write a script named search dna that will expect on the
Write a script named search dna that will expect on the
Write a script named search dna that will expect on the command line a singleargument which is the name of a file containing multiple DNA strings, each ona single line with no white space characters of any kind except for the terminatingnewline character at the end of the line. Each line is just a sequenceof the letters a, c, g, and t. This script will print each line in which the 4th3-letter sequence is repeated twice later in the line at starting positions that aremultiples of three apart. For example, the string below, which is broken intogroups of three letters for ease or readingacg ttt ggg ccc agc tct ccg ccc tca cac aca ccc cgg ggtsatisfies this requirement, since ccc is the 4 th three-letter sequence and it reoccurstwice at positions that are multiples of three apart, whereas this one doesnot:acg ttt ggg ccc agc tct ccg gcc cca cac aca ccc cgg ggtbecause, although ccc occurs twice later in the line, the first reoccurrence isnot a multiple of three positions from the first one.2Write a script named dollars that prints all and only the lines in the standardinput stream that contain monetary amounts of at least one dollar, expressed indollars and cents. There is no upper limit on the amounts you may find in thefile. Dollar amounts in excess of $999.99 will have commas in the number, suchas $32,478,120.52 or $906,201,777,528.10. Numbers should not have spaces orany other characters in them other than the dollar sign, comma, decimal point,and digits. Amounts should not be matched if they start with a leading 0, orare missing cents, or contain invalid characters. This program does not issueany error messages.